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Antea Cazzato

If Antea hears a discussion about the latest mirrorless cameras, you can be sure, within seconds she'll be there. With her camera in hand, she conjures up stunning still life photos and brings out the beauty in everyday life. And when Sunday comes around, she transforms her kitchen into a pasta oasis, creating mouth watering delicious dishes. What really makes Antea shine, however, are sunny days! She loves to lounge in the sun like a lizard and feel the warm rays on her skin.

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Am Weekend
In 2 Wuche

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Full-Stack Developer

Luka Lapanshvili - Full-Stack Entwickler


Timothy Zemp

Full-Stack Developer

Paul Steinmann

Project Manager

Pascal Liniger

Full-Stack Developer

Elias Bernhaut - Full-Stack Entwickler

UX Designer

Jan Gugler - Projektleiter und UX Designer

Full-Stack Developer

Oliver Gelmi


Alex Canals - Projektleiter

Full-Stack Developer

Luca Müller - Full-Stack Entwickler

Project Manager / Mobile Developer

Elias Stalder - Projektleiter und Mobile Entwickler

Project Manager / Full-Stack Developer

Manuel Strebel

Full-Stack Entwickler

Timon van den Nobelen Profielbild

Full-Stack Developer

Pascal Linder

Full-Stack Developer

Kyle Werner - Full-Stack Entwickler

UX Designer

Jessica Pacheco Pereira - Projektleiterin und UX Designerin

Frontend Developer

Bogdan-Mihei Ilie - Frontend Entwickler

Project Manager

Nicolas Haenni

Full-Stack Developer

Patrick Stillhart

Full-Stack Developer

Jonathan Heitz - Data Scientist

Mobile Developer

Ramona Vincenti

Apprentice Application Development EFZ

Luca Jones - Applikationsentwicklung


Samantha Kandula

Frontend Developer

Janis Wanger - Frontend Entwickler

Full-Stack Developer

Robin Portner



Full-Stack Developer

David Coita - Full-Stack Entwickler

Mobile Developer

Jola Dukshi - Mobile Entwicklerin

Project Manager

Celine Albrecher - Projektleiterin

Full-Stack Developer

Kai König - Full-Stack Entwickler

Online Marketing

Platzhalter für Mitarbeiterin bei novu

Full-Stack Developer

Nattha Khamso

UX Designer

Alexandra Aivazoglou - UI/UX Designer

Backend Developer

Dominik Müller - Backend Entwickler

Project Manager

Felix Rauchenstein - Projektleiter

Managing Director

Pascal Josephy

Project Manager

Michael Weibel
Arbeite mit der Berner Webagentur

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